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Barista Training & Coffee Solutions for All!

Coffee Solutions

Coffee Training & More

Coffee Solution: Perth Gives You The Opportunity to Start Your Endeavour Towards Making the Best Coffee

Hi Keepa, just a quick note to say thanks for your time on Saturday.  It’s was such a useful session for me and my coffee making has really improved a lot.  The last three days my morning coffee has been so much better and the milk almost has been perfect – albeit a bit luke warm still 🙂  I will work on the latte art and send you a text when I finally manage to do a decent one!



Homebrew Training

Hey Keepa, I just wanted to reach out and express my gratitude for the amazing coffee training session last weekend. Your expertise and guidance have truly transformed my approach to coffee making. Since our session, my morning brews have reached a whole new level of deliciousness! The techniques you taught me for steaming milk have been game-changing, though I’m still working on nailing that perfect temperature. Your passion for coffee and dedication to teaching definitely shine through, and I can’t wait to continue honing my skills. Thanks again for such an invaluable experience!



Head Barista

Hi Keepa, I wanted to drop you a note to say a massive thank you for the barista training session. It was incredibly informative, and I’ve already noticed a significant improvement in my coffee-making abilities. Your tips on espresso extraction have been particularly helpful; my shots are tasting smoother and more balanced than ever before. I’m still practicing my milk texturing technique, but I’m determined to master it soon! Your enthusiasm for coffee is infectious, and I feel inspired to keep experimenting and learning. Looking forward to our next session!


